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300.000 BAM for projects for regulation and cleanup of river-beds in the area of Vogošća Municipality

Minister of economy of the Sarajevo Canton Muharem Šabić and Mayor of the Vogošća Municipality Edin Samjić signed the Agreement on co-financing the Project for regulation and cleanup of river-beds in the area of Vogošća Municipality. With this agreement, the Ministry of Economy will co-finance two projects with the amount of 300.000 BAM, 250.000 BAM for the regulation of river Ljubine near the "Gora" elementary school, and 50.000 BAM for urgent interventions on removing of critical points on water flows of river Vogošća, Jošanica stream, and Ljubine.    "These are purpose funds, so called water fees, which belong to the Sarajevo Canton, and which are implemented through municipalities. If these funds increase during this year, the relevant ministry will be able to set aside more money, specially for the regulation and cleanup of river-beds of category two rivers. These are the rivers, which flood the settlements in certain months of the year, and we will try to solve this problem as soon as possible", said Minister Šabić. The Ljubina river is a category two torrential river, because during the time of heavy rainfalls the river is swollen and it creates problems for residents of surrounding settlements and for the local citizens as well.    "Thanks to the Sarajevo Canton Government and to the relevant ministry, during this year we seriously started to solve the problems with the river-bed of Ljubina river. Concerning the high quality of our project documentation, we will conduct the procedures of public procurements during this fiscal year, in order to spend the funds we have received from the Ministry of Economy as soon as possible", said Mayor Smajić.  
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