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Announcement for the owners of apples and pears plantations

Because of the damages from low spring temperatures and reduced measures of protection during the summer of 2016, the potential for common scab (Venturia) on infected and fallen leaves is large. We recommend to the owners of apples and pears plantations to make some preventive protection with copper fungicide. These are some of the recommended preparations: Nordox 75 WG, Neoram WG, Champion WP i WG, Bordovska juha 20 WP, Kupropin WP, Cuprablau-Z WP or some other preparation based on copper. With the first measures of protection you should plan directed control of Psylla pyri .L. With the beggining of budding you should monitor the number of adult Psylla pyri .L. If we catch 100-150 adult flyes with 100 hits of a rubber stick, the chemical control will be justifiable. The following preparations are recommended: Dursban EC, Decis 2,5 EC, Karate Zeon MC, Sumialfa FL and others. If the number of adult flyes is small, you can use a high concentration of mineral oil, right before the budburst. You should pick those preparations that have not been used a lot. The preparations should be used in accordance with the manufacturers manual and the empty packaging should be stored in the manner prescribed. 
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