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Cantonal forest development plan is a good basis for achieving an optimal model of responsible and sustainable management of forest ecosystems in the area of the Sarajevo Canton

Ministry of Economy of the Sarajevo Canton and the Faculty of Forestry organized a press conference where they presented the Report on making of the basics of the forest development plan of the Sarajevo Canton. Minister of Economy of the Sarajevo Canton, Muharem Šabić, PhD, also attended this event.   As the professor Ahmet Lojo explained, in this Report which consists of 100 pages and 56 maps, the basic information on the current state of forests and forest lands are provided. Also, the Report contains strategic guidelines and projections of the future concept and model of managing these forests and forest lands. “Based on this Report it is possible to further develop more detailed and binding plans, which can’t have its right orientation if they don’t have a harmonized forestry policy”, highlighted professor Lojo. He also explained that this means that this kind of policy needs to be approved by the competent authority, but also that it has its groundwork on which it will be realized on.   As he said, in the process of making of the basics of forest development plan of the Sarajevo Canton, some preparation works concerning creation of maps with technological typification of forests, field works on defining the existing vegetation types on forest lands, classification and presentation of the current condition of forests and forest lands of the Sarajevo Canton, making proposals on general goals of forest management, making of a map with the projection of purpose for using forests and forest lands and making outlines of the current state of Sarajevo Canton forests. “It is very important to know about all the types of forests in the area of the Sarajevo Canton, how we see them in the future, and how we want to manage them. That is the reason we emphasized multifunctional forest management in this Report”, said professor Lojo. In accordance with the Law on Forests of the Sarajevo Canton, Ministry of Economy is preparing, developing and realizing the forest development plan, which will cover all forests and forest lands, regardless of the property, and all with the goal of securing the longevity of forest management.   “Thereby, the relevant ministry signed a Contract on making of the forest development plan in March, last year, with the Faculty of Forestry. Faculty of Forestry made the today’s Report”, said minister Šabić. He also said that this plan is a good basic and guideline for achieving an optimal model of responsible and sustainable management of forest ecosystems in the area of the Sarajevo Canton.   
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