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Minister Šabić discussed with director Muratović about the project activities of the "Secondary School for Environment and Timber Design"

Minister of the Economy of the Sarajevo Canton, Muharem Šabić met a delegation of the "Secondary School of the Environment and Wood Timber Design". The School applied for the tender/bids for the allocation of funds for financing / co-financing projects in the field of forestry (from the Budget of the Sarajevo Canton) in 2015. The aim of the visit was detailed discussion about the implementation of projects activities which will be financed by the Ministry of the Economy. Director of the School, Muamer Muratović, Deputy of the School Board, Maida Haskić and coordinator of practical training, Nasser Gegić, informed the Minister about the School activities in the sectors of forestry, ecology and timber design. Minister Šabić pointed out that it is necessary to link the economy with educational institutions, because schools are the main point of future professionals who will work in companies and contribute with their knowledge and experience. Any sort of cooperation of economy and education is worthy of attention and we will always support  such efforts ", said Šabić. "This Public Tender of the Ministry of the Economy made a big step forward providing the possibility to educational and economic institutions to be actively involved in the care of the forests, because schools have to care and know how to care about forests," said Director Muratović. The Ministry has selected two quality projects to be funded from the Budget of the Sarajevo Canton, "Afforestation and education of young people in five Sarajevo schools and municipalities" and "Project development and installation of educational info-panel on the Olympic Mt Igman". "The School will implement both projects in partnership with the Cantonal Public Company "Sarajevo šume". Cooperation between these two entities can be further developed through the selected projects, because they have a similar mission in the scope of their work, "said Director of the Forestry Samir Fazlić. Students will be able to prepare all the elements of timber in the school workshops with their teachers of practical training.  Teachers in the field of professional lectures for forestry, horticulture and ecology will educate young people in schools, and afforestation will be part of their activities too. Minister Muharem Šabić and Director of the Directorate of Forestry, Samir Fazlić will visit the School in the period when it begins the implementation of approved projects on the ground.
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