Deforestation ban

With spring time finally arriving, works on cleaning of private and state forested plots have been intensified. During these kind of activities, there is a possibility of deforestation.

Please note that pursuant to Article 52, paragraph (1) of the Law on Forests (“Official Gazette of the Sarajevo Canton”, 5/13) deforestation of private and state forests  is forbidden. Pursuant to provisions of the Law on Forests of the Sarajevo Canton, deforestation of forests or land use change, may be allowed only in the case of constructing an object which has been planned in the current scheme on physical planning.

Pursuant to Article 70, paragraph (16) of the Law on Forests of the Sarajevo Canton, the anticipated fines for  forest users  who allow or conduct deforestation before obtaining an approval on deforestation (Article 52, paragraph [9]) are BAM 12,000 to 15,000.

We warn the forest users to respect the Law on Forests of the Sarajevo Canton during the works in the forests.